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How to Sue for Perineal Tearing or Episiotomy Injuries

Many women are prepared for the possibility that their perineum may tear or they may need an episiotomy during childbirth in order to safely deliver their baby. However, perineal tearing and episiotomies can be disastrous for the mother. 

If you have suffered a serious injury due to an episiotomy or perineal tearing and you are interested in learning more about what legal options may be available to you during this difficult time in your life, contact a qualified Kentucky birth injury lawyer at Wilt Injury Lawyers. 

Read on to learn more about what kinds of mistakes cause perineal tearing and episiotomy injuries and who may be brought to justice when you suffer harm due to an episiotomy or perineal tear gone wrong. 

Mistakes That Cause Perineal Tearing

Perineal tearing is not uncommon when a woman gives birth vaginally. The midwife or obstetrician delivering the baby will be supporting the woman’s perineum in the hopes of preventing such tearing from happening. In cases where the baby becomes stuck, an episiotomy, or a surgical incision done to expedite the delivery of the baby, may be necessary. 

However, if the tearing that occurred naturally is not diagnosed or treated, or if the episiotomy is not done correctly or treated appropriately afterward, serious issues can occur. Women suffering from botched episiotomies and untreated perineal tearing can endure:

If you believe your perineal tear or episiotomy during childbirth was not handled correctly by your birthing team, and you have suffered serious injury due to these mistakes, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. Contact your birth injury lawyer at Wilt Injury Lawyers to further discuss the details of your case. 

Who Should Be Held Accountable for Your Maternal Birth Injury?

In many cases, the obstetrician, midwife, or party who is helping you to deliver your baby will be responsible for any perineal tearing that occurs or episiotomy that may have been performed. However, nurses who are involved in your labor or delivery may also be held accountable if they failed to notice the signs and symptoms of complications that occur from perineal tearing and episiotomy injuries. 

Furthermore, the hospital that employs these healthcare providers could also be named in your case, as it is responsible for the actions of its staff. Your lawyer will need to carefully review the details of your case to determine which parties are responsible for your maternal birth injuries. 

Discuss Your Case with a Kentucky Birth Injury Lawyer

Episiotomies and perineal tearing are sometimes necessary, but when they occur due to negligence or irresponsible conduct of your healthcare provider, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. 

Reach out to a reputable Kentucky birth injury lawyer at Wilt Injury Lawyers to discuss your legal options for financial recovery. You can reach our office by phone at 502-253-9110 or through the quick contact form below when you are ready to get started on your case.