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At Wilt Injury Lawyers, we take care of our clients like we take care of our family. Schedule a free consultation with us today so you can get the help you deserve.

Long-Term Effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury

When the brain is injured in an accident or a fall, there may be a temporary effect that goes away in a few days. Other times, serious and life-changing effects may occur that affect the patient’s quality of life. If you’ve experienced a brain injury, get it checked out by a medical professional immediately, and then speak with a personal injury lawyer.

Delayed effects after a traumatic brain injury may arise months or even years after the initial injury. Problems with thinking, speaking, and mobility are all potential long-term effects of a traumatic brain injury caused by accidents and falls. There are three main types of possible long-term effects, including cognitive, social/emotional, and physical.

Cognitive Issues

The ability to think, reason, and remember is uniquely human and highly complex. Injury to the brain can affect cognitive processes such as planning, organization, memory, and communication.

You might find it difficult to understand what the other person is saying and you may not be able to respond appropriately. You may have trouble finding the right words or putting thoughts into sentences. This type of speech disruption can be very frustrating to both you and the listener and it’s not always easy so try not to lose patience.

Social and Emotional Effects

Social isolation is perhaps the most common side effect of a traumatic brain injury because of communication problems with friends, family members, and co-workers. Depression and anxiety may result. Emotional changes are also common and can cause anger outbursts and rage.

Delayed Onset of Physical Problems

The delayed physical effects of a traumatic brain injury may not appear right away or may appear different than originally expected. Because of this, it is important to be aware and to see a doctor if you notice problems with movement, which include clumsiness, staggering, tremors, and problems with coordination.

Occasionally long-term effects of a TBI can cause blackouts or loss of consciousness and seizure disorders. Changes in sensory perception have also been reported, for instance, blurry vision or light sensitivity.

Get Help Coping with a TBI

If you or someone you love is suffering from the long-term effects of a TBI, stress levels, coping style, and support systems like friends and family impact the outcome.

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for dealing with life after a traumatic brain injury. It’s important to note that everyone reacts differently, even when they have sustained similar injuries. The severity of the trauma and your overall health also play a role.

Even people who sustain a mild brain injury often deal with a new set of problems after they leave the hospital so document everything and pay close attention to your symptoms. You may need to present this information later and get an injury lawyer to help you get your medical bills paid.

Life after a traumatic brain injury can be difficult, but you can hold those responsible accountable. Call 502-253-9110 to talk to an injury lawyer at Wilt Injury Lawyers, or contact us via our online form for help navigating the confusing and often scary long-term effects of a traumatic brain injury.