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Louisville Truck Accident Causes Big Beer Spill

On August 10, a semi-truck overturned on the I-71 ramp onto the Gene Snyder Freeway, snarling traffic in Louisville all morning. Typically, truck accidents make the local news for a few hours until they’re cleaned up and, unless there are major injuries or fatalities, we don’t really hear about them again.

This particular accident, however, has spawned over five pages of Google results and counting, as well as a variety of pretty funny memes – because the truck that overturned was full of Bud Light and it spilled everywhere. Per WLKY, “most of the beer ended up in the median between the Snyder and the ramp,” and “there were no injuries and that the driver got out on his own.”

Because no one was injured in the Kentucky truck accident, many social media users and journalists are taking the opportunity to poke fun at the incident, including car enthusiast site Jalopnik, who tried (successfully) to fit as many beer puns as possible into one paragraph:

The crash certainly raises the bar for truck spills this year. While no injuries were reported, and the unnamed stout driver got out of his cab on his own, we have to imagine the driver of the truck was canned. Hopefully, he isn’t bitter about it and is currently living the heady High Life during what will surely prove a short employment dry spell. All he needs to do is add this accident to his resume and make sure it’s plastered all over the internet and then some trucking company will draft him. He certainly made it out of this crash much weiser than before.

And while we can admit this whole thing is rather amusing when you read about it after the fact, cargo spills are in fact quite dangerous and, in different situations, can turn tragic in an instant.

What are the dangers of cargo spill accidents?

When cargo isn’t secured properly in or on a commercial truck or flatbed trailer, it can shift in transit. This throws a truck off balance, which may not be immediately noticeable to the driver – until they need to make a quick turn or traffic maneuver. Then, cargo can spill, creating hazards for both the trucker and nearby drivers. Sometimes, a truck could jackknife or even overturn, as was the case with the beer truck in Louisville.

Federal law regulates how cargo must be loaded and secured in commercial trucks and tractor-trailers. For example:

Regulations require each tiedown to be attached and secured in a manner that prevents it from becoming loose, unfastening, opening or releasing while the vehicle is in transit. All tiedowns and other components of a cargo securement system used to secure loads on a trailer equipped with rub rails must be located inboard of the rub rails whenever practicable. Also, edge protection must be used whenever a tiedown would be subject to abrasion or cutting at the point where it touches an article of cargo. The edge protection must resist abrasion, cutting and crushing.

If cargo is loaded and/or secured incorrectly and its spillage leads to an accident, the parties responsible for the tie-down of the cargo may be liable for the resulting injuries and losses.

Who is liable for my Kentucky cargo spill accident?

It’s important to work with an experienced Kentucky truck accident attorney after any type of crash with a commercial truck, as assigning liability can be complicated. In cases of accidents involving cargo spills, more than one party may be responsible for your injuries:

Our attorneys launch an investigation to determine where along the chain of events the cargo became unsecured and led to the accident. Then, we work with insurance companies on your behalf to negotiate a settlement that takes into account the full scope of your injuries and losses – including your medical bills, lost paychecks, property damage, and pain and suffering – both now and in the future. If we can’t come to a favorable settlement, we are always prepared to take your case to trial to ensure you are compensated fairly.

At Wilt Injury Lawyers, our Kentucky truck accident attorneys understand how to take on the trucking companies and win. We’re ready to investigate the cause of your accident, evaluate the severity of your injuries, and work to secure financial compensation for all of your losses. When you’re ready to discuss your claim, call our offices at 502-253-9110 or reach out through our contact form. We serve individuals and families in Louisville and Lexington, and throughout the state.