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Beyond Medical Bills: Other Types of Damages in Kentucky Injury Lawsuits

You may be familiar with claiming financial compensation from a personal injury lawsuit, but there are other damages available when you are injured. “Pain and suffering” is another term you’ve likely heard before, perhaps in television courtroom dramas. These are damages a victim can claim when they file a personal injury lawsuit against the person who is at fault for their injuries.

While financial, physical, and emotional damages are well known, there are other damages that you can claim, especially if the injury was severe enough to impact your life going forward. From mobility devices to a loss in quality time with a loved one, there are many damages for which a victim can be compensated. Victims will be able to pursue these damages as long as their attorney is experienced and knowledgeable, just like the attorneys at Wilt Injury Lawyers.

What are “damages?”

In Kentucky law, “damages” refer to the monetary compensation awarded to a party in a civil lawsuit as a remedy for the harm, loss, or injury they have suffered due to the wrongful actions of another party. Damages are designed to provide financial relief and make the injured party “whole” to the extent possible. They are a fundamental concept in civil litigation and serve as a way to resolve a wide range of legal wrongs. There are several types of damages in the legal context, including:

The specific type and amount of damages awarded in a lawsuit depend on various factors, including the nature of the legal claim, the evidence presented, and state laws (luckily, in Kentucky, there is no limit on the damages you can recover). The primary purpose of damages is to provide a fair and just compensation to the injured party while also serving as a deterrent against wrongful conduct in society.

What are some other types of damages I can claim?

In a personal injury lawsuit, the types of damages that can be recovered typically include compensatory damages, which are meant to compensate the injured party for losses incurred due to the injury.

These commonly include:

While these are the common types of damages, there are also less common or uncommon types of damages that may be recoverable in specific circumstances. These can include:

If an accident has left you suffering physically, emotionally, and financially, the experienced attorneys at Wilt Injury Lawyers will work to ensure that all damages – present and future – caused by the injury are covered and compensated for. To reach out to us for a free consultation, give us a call or complete our contact form. With offices in both Lexington and Louisville, we proudly extend our services to clients across Kentucky.