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Bicycle Accident

At Wilt Injury Lawyers, we take care of our clients like we take care of our family. Schedule a free consultation with us today so you can get the help you deserve.

Bicycle Accident Lawyer In Louisville, KY

Biking can be a convenient mode of travel, but sharing the road with cars and trucks does not come without its risks. Similar to motorcyclists, bicycle riders are exposed on all sides, and face serious injuries in the event of a collision with a four-wheeled vehicle. Most cyclists wear helmets, but often that’s not enough to prevent serious or catastrophic injury in the event of an accident. When a bike accident isn’t your fault, you may need an attorney to help you recoup expenses.

At Wilt Injury Lawyers, we are known as the go-to attorneys in Kentucky who advocate for the rights of injured cyclists. Reckless drivers should be held accountable for causing your injuries and we are the local lawyers who can do just that. Don’t agree to any offers from the insurance company until you talk to us – we offer risk-free consultations. Contact us in Lexington or Louisville today.

How often do bicycle accidents happen in Kentucky?

In their 2020 Traffic Collision Facts report, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has the following statistics about bicycle accidents:

  • 354 total bicycle collisions
  • 231 injury collisions
  • 237 total injuries
  • 4 cyclists killed

They note that in 25% of these accidents, driver inattention was to blame. Other causes included disregarding traffic signals or controls, failing to yield, and turning improperly.

What are the most common causes of bicycle accidents?

Many bike accidents and collisions occur due to motorist error and negligence. Some of the most common reasons bicycle accidents happen include:

  • Distracted driving. Distracted driving is dangerous to everyone on the road, but especially dangerous to cyclists, who are more difficult to see and have much less protection in the event of a collision. Drivers must be alert for both bicyclists and pedestrians at all times.
  • Speeding. Driving above the posted speed limit puts a motorist at risk of losing control of their vehicle as well as increasing the time and distance they need to stop. High-speed accidents also raise the risk of serious or fatal injuries.
  • Improper turns. Motorists have a duty to look for cyclists. Turning without checking for bikes in crosswalks is another common cause of preventable accidents.
  • Running stop signs or red lights. This, along with failure to yield, can cause severe or fatal injuries to cyclists, as they are often high-speed collisions. Intersection accidents are common in all areas, including residential and city locations.
  • Driving under the influence. Anyone who gets behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a risk to everyone nearby, but cyclists are even more vulnerable, especially at night.
Bicycle Accident

What injuries are caused by bicycle accidents?

Being struck by a motor vehicle while riding your bicycle can cause severe, life-threatening injuries. Some of the most commonly seen types of injuries include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Lacerations and cuts
  • Whiplash and road rash
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Wrongful death

These are just a few of the different kinds of injuries someone hit by a car on their bike might experience. Your Kentucky personal injury lawyer at Wilt Injury Lawyers can take a closer look at your case to determine the strength of your claim.

How do you prove fault in a Kentucky bicycle accident?

It is not always clear who is at fault in accidents between motorists and cyclists. In many cases, the driver of the vehicle that hit you will be responsible for compensating you for your injuries. Maybe they were drunk driving, distracted, drowsy, or driving aggressively, for example. But this may not always be the case.

Your lawyer must carefully examine the details of your case to determine who is liable for compensating you whether it be the driver who struck you, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, or another third party. In some cases, both the actions of the cyclist and the motorist can contribute to a crash. Kentucky assigns fault based on pure comparative negligence laws and, as such, each person can be held accountable for their role in the crash.

However, even if you are found to be at greater fault than the other driver, you may still be entitled to receive benefits. Our lawyers are well-versed in comparative negligence laws and can help you secure the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.

How can your Kentucky bicycle accident lawyers help?

The attorneys at Wilt Injury Lawyers can file a claim with the negligent driver’s insurance company. From there, we will communicate with adjusters regarding your treatment status. Types of compensation that we request includes medical bills, wage loss, property damage, and any other accident-related expenses.

Following the conclusion of your treatment, we will write a demand letter to the insurance company. We describe the car accident, how the driver breached their duty of care, and the amount of compensation we are seeking. Our lawyers are skilled negotiators and will fight for a fair settlement. If we cannot reach a settlement, we are willing to take your case to trial and present our argument in court.

What is the value of my Kentucky bicycle accident claim?

The personal injury attorneys at Wilt Injury Lawyers work to secure the best outcome possible for your claim, whether that’s negotiating a fair settlement with the insurance company or going to trial to fight on your behalf. We demand compensation for your injuries and losses, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Wage loss
  • Property damage
  • Rehabilitation services and equipment
  • Miscellaneous expenses related to your injuries
  • Pain and suffering

We can discuss the specifics of your claim in a one-on-one consultation.

Do you have a bicycle accident attorney near me?

Wilt Injury Lawyers has offices in Louisville and Lexington:

Louisville Office

13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Suite A Louisville, KY 40223
Phone: 502-253-9110

Lexington Office

196 W. Lowry Lane, Suite 1 Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859-263-8818
