The Risks of Placental Perfusion Disruption

When you have a team of medical professionals working to ensure that you and your unborn baby are healthy, it can be easy to assume that what they are doing is best for you. The majority of the time, you would be right; however, doctors and nurses make mistakes or act negligently like anyone else,…

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The Importance of a Truck’s Black Box Data to Your Accident Claim

Commercial truck accidents are often catastrophic, resulting in massive property damage, severe injuries, and tragic loss of life. It is normal after these types of accidents for both investigators and loved ones to want to know what happened, whether to press charges, file an insurance claim, or simply gain closure. In order to do so,…

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The Importance of Expert Witnesses in Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice is a complex area of law that often involves technical and scientific evidence. As a result, expert witnesses play a crucial role in many medical malpractice cases. In Kentucky, expert witnesses are often essential to proving liability and damages in medical malpractice cases. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of…

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The Real Costs of a Traumatic Amputation Injury

The consequences of traumatic amputation injuries can be catastrophic, as they can severely affect both the physical and financial well-being of an individual. The expenses associated with such injuries can be daunting, including hospitalization and surgical costs, expenses for prosthetic devices and assistive equipment, rehabilitation, and physical therapy expenses, loss of income and wages, reduced…

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The Risks of Oxygen Deprivation in Pregnancy and Delivery

Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing time for expectant parents. However, it can also come with its fair share of risks, including the potential for oxygen deprivation during pregnancy and delivery. Oxygen deprivation, or hypoxia, can be a serious concern for both the mother and the developing baby, as it can lead to a range…

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Do I Have to Give a Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company?

After being involved and injured in an accident, you will likely hear from an insurance claims adjuster. The insurance adjuster wants to know how the accident occurred, which seems reasonable. However, an adjuster from the liable party’s insurance company has one primary objective – to settle your claim for as little as possible and save…

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What Is the Time Limit for Filing an Injury Lawsuit in Kentucky?

When you experience a loss due to another’s negligence or recklessness, you are entitled to take legal action against the party or parties liable for those losses. This could be an at-fault driver who caused a serious car accident, a surgeon who committed medical malpractice, or the manufacturer of a defective product that caused you…

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The Different Types of Auto Insurance in Kentucky

Car accidents are expensive, especially if you have severe injuries. The damage to your vehicle, medical expenses, missed time from work, an inability to pay your bills – a serious car crash can empty your bank account in an instant. When someone else’s negligence caused your accident and injuries, you should not be responsible for…

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