The Real Costs of a Traumatic Amputation Injury

The consequences of traumatic amputation injuries can be catastrophic, as they can severely affect both the physical and financial well-being of an individual. The expenses associated with such injuries can be daunting, including hospitalization and surgical costs, expenses for prosthetic devices and assistive equipment, rehabilitation, and physical therapy expenses, loss of income and wages, reduced…

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What Is the Time Limit for Filing an Injury Lawsuit in Kentucky?

When you experience a loss due to another’s negligence or recklessness, you are entitled to take legal action against the party or parties liable for those losses. This could be an at-fault driver who caused a serious car accident, a surgeon who committed medical malpractice, or the manufacturer of a defective product that caused you…

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Pelvic Floor Trauma in Women and Its Lasting Complications

Pregnancy and childbirth are an experience unique to women. Unfortunately, this puts many women at risk for something called “pelvic floor trauma” during labor and delivery. Sometimes pelvic floor trauma cannot be avoided and is a natural part of the birthing experience. Other times, however, it can be caused by physician negligence, either during childbirth…

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