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Lexington Cerebral Palsy

At Wilt Injury Lawyers, we take care of our clients like we take care of our family. Schedule a free consultation with us today so you can get the help you deserve.

Cerebral Palsy Lawyer In Lexington, KY

Tough advocacy when medical negligence causes serious birth injuries

Obstetricians and other medical professionals need to be held accountable if their mistakes cause birth injuries. A diagnosis of cerebral palsy can be devastating for parents who are unsure what to expect. It likely means that your child will need medical help for the rest of his/her life. Your child may have developmental, cognitive, and emotional disabilities in addition to physical disabilities caused by the injury. By holding the negligent parties accountable, a successful settlement or verdict can mean the difference between your baby having a chance at a functioning life or living with challenges and pain.

At Wilt Injury Lawyers, we work with experts in their respective fields who help us, and you understand what went wrong during the delivery – and why it was preventable. Physicians and hospitals often hire expensive lawyers because their careers may be at risk, in addition to their insurance premiums. We’re more than ready to fight them and show why your recovery is just. Our Lexington birth injury lawyers have obtained numerous settlements and verdicts in medical malpractice cases, many for more than $1 million.

What is cerebral palsy?

The Cleveland Clinic defines cerebral palsy (CP) as an injury to the immature brain that affects posture and movement. Adults and children with CP may have difficulty controlling, coordinating, and moving their muscles. Some CP birth injury victims have cognitive difficulties, problems seeing and hearing, seizures, and other difficulties. While there is no cure for CP, therapy and medications can help reduce the symptoms for a more comfortable life.

Cerebral palsy is classified in four ways:

  • Spastic cerebral palsy affects about 75 percent of CP patients.
  • Dyskinetic cerebral palsy, also known as athetoid cerebral palsy, can cause irregular movements in the limbs, face, and tongue.
  • Ataxic cerebral palsy makes it difficult for children and adults to stand or walk without swaying or falling.
  • Mixed types CP is a combination of all three forms of cerebral palsy above.

What are the signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy symptoms may not appear for weeks, months, or years after the birth of your child. The Cleveland Clinic identifies the following CP symptoms which can vary in degree from mild to severe.

  • Delays in development. Children with CP may not roll over, crawl, walk, or sit up as early as they should. Their speaking and learning abilities may be delayed too.
  • Low muscle tone. This condition may cause flexible limbs, floppiness, limpness, and bad posture.
  • Increased muscle tone. This type of CP is noticeable if your newborn is always stretching their arms or arching backs. The muscles may contract uncontrollably. The child’s legs may stiffen.
  • Problems with speaking and swallowing. Your child may not be able to control his/her tongue, mouth, and throat muscles. They may have problems drinking, eating, and swallowing.
  • A noticeable preference for one side of their body, such as crawling with only one leg and one arm. Older children may limp as they walk.

Complications may include bladder and bowel control difficulties, epilepsy and seizure disorders, digestive difficulties, chronic pain, spinal abnormalities, vision and hearing problems, behavioral issues, and intellectual disabilities.

How is cerebral palsy diagnosed?

A pediatrician diagnoses cerebral palsy by examining your child’s coordination, movement, motor skills, and muscle tone. The physician will also ask questions about the birth and the child’s development. Imaging scans (CTs and MRIs) may be ordered to show the location and severity of the brain damage, although your physician may delay these tests until your child is older.

Is there treatment for cerebral palsy?

The main treatment for CP is therapy – the sooner it starts, the better. Physical, occupational, and speech therapists help your newborn walk, communicate, and handle daily activities. The Cleveland Clinic mentions “Botulinum toxin (Botox®) injections temporarily weaken the muscles to improve range of motion and stiffness. Muscle-relaxing drugs such as baclofen can help with stiffness and spasms.”

Surgery may help with mobility, including lengthening the tendons and muscles or repairing, to any extent possible, spinal problems.

Can Lexington medical malpractice cause cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy often develops during pregnancy, labor, or delivery due to abnormal brain development or an injury to the brain. Newborns with CP often require a lifetime of medical care and psychological support. Doctors who cause or fail to treat or prevent the oxygen deprivation that causes CP may be liable for their negligence.

Some of the reasons an obstetrician or other medical professional may be liable for causing cerebral palsy in your child include:

  • Failing to notice and treat infections
  • Delaying cesarean sections, causing a loss of oxygen to the baby’s brain
  • Brain and head trauma, caused by improper use of forceps or vacuum extractors
  • Failing to prevent or treat Infections during pregnancy such as rubella. toxoplasmosis, meningitis, encephalitis, or sickle cell disease
  • Failing to notice or treat jaundice

How long do I have to file my Lexington cerebral palsy claim?

Parents may know that their child has cerebral palsy on the day of their birth. On the other hand, they may not realize their child has CP until months or years later. Our best advice is to contact us as soon as you become aware something is wrong, especially if you suspect it might be related to the pregnancy, labor, or delivery. At Wilt Injury Lawyers, our Lexington birth injury attorneys work quickly to investigate what happened and who is responsible.

Early intervention helps us speak with everyone involved while their memories are fresh. We will also review your child’s past and current medical care by arranging to have you see doctors who specialize in cerebral palsy treatment.

What is the value of my child’s Lexington cerebral palsy case?

Cerebral palsy cases are considered catastrophic injuries because your child will likely never fully recover and will need a lifetime of help. Children with CP often lead complete and independent lives – if they get the help they need. Children with severe cerebral palsy, however, will need much more help to rehabilitate and progress.

Our Lexington injury attorneys work with medical and life planning professionals who understand the long-term care your child will need and how to financially meet those challenges.

We demand compensation for all your child’s current and future damages, including:

  • Medical care
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Loss of function
  • Loss of life’s pleasures

Do you have a cerebral palsy attorney near me?

Wilt Injury Lawyers has offices in Louisville and Lexington:

Louisville Office

13113 Eastpoint Park Blvd. Suite A Louisville, KY 40223
Phone: 502-253-9110

Lexington Office

196 W. Lowry Lane, Suite 1 Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859-263-8818
