Nerve Damage Lawyer In Louisville, KY
Experienced personal injury lawyers for all types of nerve injuries
We have a lot of negative expressions about nerves – as in, “you’re getting on my last nerve” or “The nerve of this guy!” These expressions speak to how most people view what nerves do: relay sensation throughout the body. But your nerves also keep your heart rate stable, help you digest your food, and regulate your body temperature. Nerves are necessary for voluntary and involuntary movement, so when a person sustains permanent nerve damage, it is a far more catastrophic injury than many realize.
Damaged nerves can cause a great amount of pain, cause loss of function, and other types of physical problems and emotional trauma. At Wilt Injury Lawyers, our Kentucky personal injury lawyers help folks with nerve damage to hold negligent parties accountable for their losses. We work with your doctors, including neurologists, to understand the full scope and severity of your nerve injuries. Call us in Lexington or Louisville today to learn more.