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At Wilt Injury Lawyers, we take care of our clients like we take care of our family. Schedule a free consultation with us today so you can get the help you deserve.

Can a Landlord Be Liable for Injuries on Rental Property?

In Kentucky, a landlord is responsible for keeping the premises safe from hazards for tenants and visitors. If a tenant or guest suffers injuries, the landlord may be liable and must pay for any accident-related losses. Given the consequences of not repairing a known defect, landlords are wise to remedy issues promptly. Suppose you are a tenant or guest injured on a rental property. In that case, the premises liability attorneys at Wilt Injury Law in Lexington are here to retrieve the compensation that is rightfully due to you.

Kentucky Premises Liability Law

Property visitors are classified as invitees, licensees, or trespassers. A property owner will owe different levels of care to each category of persons:


People are invited onto the property for business or commercial purposes. A property owner owes them the highest duty of care, being required to inspect the premises for hazards regularly and to remedy them accordingly. A rental property scenario would typically involve a repairman or technician providing a service.


Also known as social guests, landlords must inform licensees of any known defects but are not obligated to inspect the property regularly for hazards.


Trespassers are any individuals who enter the property without permission. Landlords owe trespassers the lowest duty of care, having no requirement to warn them of hazards. However, if a landlord intentionally causes harm to a trespasser, the landlord may be liable for damages.

If a person gets hurt on the property, the injured party must show that the landlord or property owner was negligent in maintaining safe conditions and conducting timely repairs. The level of care owed to an individual will determine the owner’s liability and the worth of your accident case.

What Obligations Does a Landlord Have?

KRS §383.595 lays out the following obligations owed by a landlord to respective tenants:

Persistent Representation in the Face of Adversity

Property owners and landlords are responsible for repairing hazards on their property so that visitors can remain safe. A landlord who is aware of an unsafe condition but fails to rectify it can be held accountable for anyone injured. Accident-related losses include medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering. You can remain at ease when you contact the Lexington premises liability attorneys at Wilt Injury Law, knowing that you have skilled counsel.

Lexington Premises Liability Attorneys Fighting for You

A slip, fall, or any injury can force you to put your life on hold. When it occurs on a rental property, you need knowledgeable counsel that helps you recoup compensation for your losses. The Lexington premises liability attorneys at Wilt Injury Law are dedicated to helping clients acquire the necessary financial resources to regain control of their future.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have been injured in a rental property because of a landlord’s negligence or refusal to remedy a property defect. To schedule your free consultation, contact the office online or by phone today.